Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn beautiful. Hiển thị tất cả bài đăng
Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn beautiful. Hiển thị tất cả bài đăng

Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 6, 2014


Bạch Dương (21/3 – 20/4)

Bạch Dương là những người có khung xương nhỏ, lương thiện, không biết giả dối, nhưng tính tình khá bộc phát.

Bạch Dương thuộc nhóm khờ nhất trong 12 cung hoàng đạo.

Kim Ngưu (21/4 – 20/5)

Kim Ngưu có làn da đẹp, ốm nhom ốm nhách nhưng lại có tạng người rất dễ tăng cân. Kim Ngưu có tính cách hiền hòa, từ tốn, nhỏ nhẹ nhưng khá ngang bướng

Song Tử (21/5 – 21/6)

Mặt Song Tử khá nhiều mụn do ăn uống không điều độ. Nhanh nhẹ, nói nhiều, bốc phét, đa lăng nhăng nhưng Song Tử chỉ yêu 1 người thôi nhé.

Cự Giải (22/6 -22/7)

Nhân từ, đôn hậu, kỹ tiếng, thích vẻ đẹp nghệ thuật, yêu thương gia đình nhưng cũng rất hay ngoại tình là những tích cách đặc trưng của Cự Giải.

Rất kín mồm kín miệng cho nên chuyện quan hệ ngoài luồng của Cự Giải chỉ có “trời biết, đất biết và Cự Giải biết” mà thôi.

Sư Tử (23/7 – 22/8)

Trên người Sư Tử thường rất nhiều lông,có nụ cười nham hiểm, không thích ai giỏi hơn mình vì vậy khả năng làm tổn thương mọi cung hoàng đạo khác ở mức cao nhất.

Xử Nữ (23/8 – 22/9)

Thân hình Xử Nữ không được đẹp, con người Xử Nữ có tính ba phải, thông minh. Cô nàng Xử Nữ thường bị trêu chọc là “bà cô già khó tính”, tỉ mỉ không chịu được, sạch sẽ quá mức, yêu vẻ hoàn mỹ và nói nhiều.

Thiên Bình (23/9 -23/10)

Thiên Bình có khuôn mặt “rất lạ”, thông minh, suy nghĩ sắc bén, cái gì cũng cân bằng khiến Thiên Bình luôn do dự trong mọi quyết định

Thần Nông ( 24/10 – 21/11)

Đẹp kiều diễm, mắt đẹp mê hồn, mưu mô xảo quyệt, ưa trả thù bằng nhiều cách tàn ác nhất. Thần Nông khá lạnh lùng, không thể hiện nội tâm, khó đoán.

Thần Nông được xếp hạng nguy hiểm nhất trong 12 cung hoàng đạo.

Nhân Mã (22/11 -21/12)

Nhân Mã có vẻ ngoài rất ưa nhìn, sở hữu 1 đôi môi đẹp, tính các hiền lành, hay giúp đỡ người khác, tốt bụng, nhưng lại rất ham chơi.

Ma Kết (22/12 – 19/1)

Ma Kết có nước da trắng, đôi mắt xếch, từ tốn , thông minh. Mặt lạnh như tờ, luôn tỏ ra nguy hiểm được bọc lót bởi vẻ điềm tĩnh, cần cù chất phác.

Ma Kết là con cáo già mặt không biến sắc.

Bảo Bình (20/1 – 18/2)

Bảo Bình là người khó nhận dạng nhất trong 12 cung hoàng đạo, luôn tỏ ra bí hiểm trong mọi trường hợp

Song Ngư ( 19/2 – 20/3)

Song Ngư sở hữu đôi mắt long lanh biết nói, hay mơ mộng hão huyền, mềm yếu, nhẹ dạ cả tin, dễ bị dụ dỗ.

Song Ngư dễ bị lợi dụng và tổn thương nhất trong 12 cung.

Bài viết liên quan:

Thứ Ba, 20 tháng 8, 2013

Gửi con, niềm hy vọng mong manh

Dù cha mẹ không cho con được hạnh phúc của một gia đình đủ đầy, nhưng hứa sẽ cho con một người cha tốt, một người mẹ tử tế. Sẽ cho con được hưởng sự giáo dục tốt nhất để con tự hào hãnh diện về cha mẹ của mình.

Mẹ và cha con ngày đêm mong có con hiện diện, mong lắm. Mẹ biết cha và mẹ sẽ hạnh phúc vô biên nếu biết có con trên cõi đời này, đó là kết quả của sự rung động, tình yêu chân thành. Cha không phải người đàn ông tốt với mẹ, mẹ không đủ bao dung hơn để mắt nhắm mắt mở trước những lỗi lầm của cha nhưng mẹ tin nếu có con cha sẽ là người yêu thương con nhất. Có lẽ sẽ yêu con nhiều hơn cả mẹ yêu, bởi chưa có mà cha luôn hăm he mẹ không được khắt khe với con, không được đánh mắng con.

Mẹ biết cha sẽ là người cha tốt nhất của con, nhưng bấy nhiêu đó thôi chưa đủ, cha không cho mẹ được niềm tin rằng cha sẽ là người chồng tốt, vậy nên mẹ không thể quyết định gắn kết đời mình với cha. Trái ngang là mẹ không muốn xây dựng một gia đình với cha, xong tình yêu mẹ dành cho cha, cho con làm mẹ cũng mong ước vô cùng được có con. Chính sự mong muốn của cha đã làm mẹ như trùng lại sự oán giận để cầu mong có con. Cha yêu con lắm đó con yêu!

Sự mong mỏi của cha và mẹ thật sự rất khó nói, bởi cha mẹ chưa gắn kết theo đúng nghĩa vợ chồng, chưa hôn thú, vậy mà luôn thỏa thuận rằng sẽ lao động cật lực để hy vọng “sản xuất” ra con. Cha mong con đến nỗi khi cha mẹ không còn gắn kết bằng tình yêu mạnh mẽ nữa, cha vẫn luôn hỏi về kết quả của những lần lao động trước, cha hỏi mẹ “Em có thấy trong người khác không, có gì đó thay đổi không?” Cha hy vọng nhiều lắm đó con, mẹ cũng vậy, không chấp nhận cha nhưng mẹ cầu mong sự xuất hiện của con để cha được thỏa ước mong, để mẹ được yêu thương vỗ về, chăm sóc một mầm sống.

Con yêu, chưa đủ ngày tháng để biết chính xác rằng có con hay không, nhưng mẹ và cha cùng cầu nguyện cho một kết quả có, dù cha mẹ không còn bên nhau. Dù có thể nếu có con, cha mẹ không cho con được hạnh phúc của một gia đình đủ đầy, nhưng hứa sẽ cho con một người cha tốt, một người mẹ tử tế, sẽ cho con được hưởng sự giáo dục tốt nhất để con tự hào hãnh diện về cha và mẹ của mình.

Con yêu, những ngày này sẽ là những ngày mẹ đong đếm từng khoảnh khắc, cho đến khi đủ thời gian để có thể đoán biết, thử nghiệm, mẹ sẽ không ngừng hy vọng, sẽ không ngừng mong cầu. Xin con hãy cảm nhận sự mong ngóng này mà ban phát cho cha mẹ một niềm vui, niềm hạnh phúc được có con. Xin đừng lên án, đừng trách giận vì sao cha mẹ ích kỷ mong có con mà không cho con một gia đình đủ đầy, con nhé. Có những điều không thể lý giải được bằng lý trí đâu con, chỉ cảm nhận được bằng trái tim, bằng cảm xúc, mong con hiểu. Tha thiết mong con…


Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 6, 2013


Are you living your life appreciating what you DO have, or are you lamenting what still seems to be missing?
Three years ago the eight year old daughter of a friend died in a freak accident at school. My friend was devastated and I could not think of any wise words that might console him.
As the weeks rolled by my friend slipped into an ever deeper sense of despair, and nothing anyone said seemed to lift his spirit.

After a few months time he went out of town on a business trip, and on the train ride back he engaged in conversation with the woman sitting next to him. The woman sat there and nodded her head often as my friend talked about the death of his daughter. He reported to me that he had the sense of talking and talking and talking, until he finally felt like he had nothing more to say.
As my friend came to a natural state of rest, the woman nodded her head one more time as she took a deep breath, and then said the following,
"I can very much feel your pain, and I understand the loss of your child must be devastating."
"At the same time," she said, "I wonder if your pain would not be lessened if you celebrated the life your daughter did have."

"You told me about your daughter's sense of awe the first time you took her to the ocean, and how you carried her in your arms as you waded out into the water."
"You also spoke about the many times she sat on your lap and told you about the magical adventures she had during the course of her day."
"Perhaps the sweetest story you shared was how you told your daughter every night how much you loved her as you tucked her into bed."

"I’m wondering," the woman said, "What is it that leads you to believe you and your daughter did not live a full and glorious life together?"
"Is it because she died at eight years old and not at eighty? Certainly it would seem that the quality of one's life is not tied to the length of one's life."

"I would like to gently suggest that you and your daughter did live a full and complete life together. She just didn't live as long as you had hoped for and expected."

As the train neared the station the woman continued speaking.
"I am seventy two years old, and in looking back on my life I don't feel I have shared with anyone, the depth of experience and love you and your daughter had together."
"On one hand this makes me deeply sad. On the other hand, it wakes me up to the fact that my life is not yet finished. I can begin today to live the life I truly desire."
"This is the realization that your experience has helped me to understand, and for this wonderful gift I thank you deeply."

The woman smiled as she stood up, preparing to exit the train.
"None of us know how long we have to live. No one has control over the length of their life."
"The quality of our life on the other hand, is something you can ensure on a daily basis. An emotionally fulfilling life is a complete life, regardless of how many years you live. A life without love seems to take forever to end."
“We’ll do well to appreciate what we do have, rather than lamenting about what we don’t.”

To the readers of this article, I gently suggest you consider how you want to live your life, in order to ensure that your time on earth is fulfilling and complete.


People will think that being able to live an abundant life is something that only the "special" people can have.

However, anyone can live abundantly, just as long as you know what you are doing in life. Though life may not be at an ultimate high, this does not mean that you cannot be happy.

In order to live abundantly, you will need to start focusing more on yourself and enjoying your happiness.

Create small goals

When you make small goals in life, you will realize that they will work together to still achieve one big goal. This makes life seem easier and you are able to enjoy each day more.

Sometimes a really big goal can seem too overwhelming and so it is a better idea to simply just focus on making small goals on a daily basis.

Have Time For Friends

Sometimes working too hard may not be the answer to living abundantly. You will need to take a break and realize that there are other things in important in life besides work and money.

When you ensure that your relationships with the people you love are perfect, you will be able to focus more on your work.

This is something that a lot of workaholics forget and it leads to more problems in other areas of life.

Relax and Exercise

When you are feeling too stressed, sometimes all you need to do is let it out with some sort of activity.

Whether it is exercise or simply just going to sleep, doing things to help relax yourself will allow you to get back to work.

Living abundantly certainly does not mean that you will need to have all the money in the world but to simply make sure that you are happy, no matter what is going on in your life.

What will they think? - love and approval addiction?

When you were growing up, how often did you hear, "What will they think?"

Who are "they?" Unfortunately, "they" are everyone. Many of our parents and caregivers were love and approval addicted and geared their behavior to try to have control over getting love and approval and avoiding disapproval.

This was the role modeling for many of us. Our worth was determined by what "they" would think. Most of us did not see our parents or other role models defining their own worth and validating themselves.

What about now? Is you sense of worth determined by what others think of you, or have you learned how to define your own worth? Do you get your sense of inner fullness from others' love or do you know how to fill yourself with love?

Being love and approval addicted is a hard and tiring way to live. Being dependent upon others love, attention, and approval for your sense of safety, security, worth and lovability means that you have to constantly work to look right and perform right. You can never let up, because even if you get the love or approval that you are seeking from a person, he or she can always take it away. Or maybe they are not available and then you have to try to get it from someone else, anyone else - "they."

We all need love. We do not thrive without it, and many do not survive without it. However, problems occur when we are dependent on others as our primary source of love and attention.

As long as you are making others responsible for defining your worth and making you feel safe and loved, you will likely continue to feel alone and empty inside. There really is another way to live!

What if you were to decide to give yourself the love and approval that you keep seeking from others? What if you were to decide to stop focusing externally and instead start to focus internally?

We all have the power to define our own worth and bring love into ourselves. While you might think that the only love that feels really great is love from another person, this is a huge false belief. If you have ever experienced a moment of Grace, where you feel full and joyous for no external reason, you know that it is possible to feel incredibly wonderful without another's love and approval.

The only way this happens is when your heart is open to the Love that is Spirit.

We live in a sea of Love and wisdom. It is everywhere - within us and all around us. It is who we are - created in the image of God-that-is-love. When you shift your intention from trying to have control over getting love and approval, and instead move into an intent to learn about loving yourself, your heart opens to the incredible love and wisdom of your spiritual Guidance.

Try it right now. Move your focus out of your head and into your heart. Breathe into your heart. Make a decision that, for right now, you want responsibility for your own feelings of fullness and worth. Now ask one of these questions: "What is loving to me right now?" or "What is in my highest good right now?" Relax, let go, and listen for the answer. It might come in words, or images, or feelings. When you get a sense of what is loving to you right now, then do it. Take the loving action.

Now notice how you feel.

If you practice this all day, you will stop worrying about "What will they think?"


We all have a dream life we wish to lead, but what’s sad is few of us reach our dreams or even attempt to reach for them. So many people think a dream life is not a possibility because their thoughts can’t take them far from their current reality. So what do you need so that you can reach for the stars and live your dream lifestyle?

Moving out of your current reality, is vitally important to have your dream life!

So how do you live your dream life? Let me explain.

Every Single one of us has huge greatness in us far beyond our own beliefs.

Our mind is not capable of seeing everything that is possible for us in our lives. Our mind can only think of the next ideas, dreams goals or thoughts. Once we take the steps to live your dream life, our belief in what’s possible expands. Each step we take builds upon itself, like a staircase or a ladder.

As you take the steps to live your dream life, your dreams continue to expand and your thoughts about what is possible for you continue to expand. It is reaching past what you are doing now that helps you to discover not only what you can do, but to continue to expand on how to live your dream life.

When we first started as entrepreneurs, we had dreams and ideas of how to live our dream life, but we also had tons of ideas of self-doubt lingering in our mind.

The problem, self-doubt is false and holds us in our current reality.

In thebeginningwe struggled with our own beliefs about our business success. Yet we felt in our hearts that being entrepreneurs gave us the freedom to live the dream life we felt was possible. We were getting “caught up” in details, and blocking ourselves.

What we learned was that, our self-limiting belief of what was possible made the first steps the hardest. Success builds confidence and belief.

We had no idea how to live our dream life. It was like being in the fog we couldn’t see past our immediate concerns to understand what doors would be available and open for us. As we continued to take the steps, one foot in front of the other, to become entrepreneurs and build a dream life, that our belief got stronger and our ideas of a dream life expanded.
It’s really been an awesome adventure! The best part, we continue to grow and expand on how to live our dream life!

What steps have you taken to help you live the life of your dreams? We would love to hear about them. Leave us a comment below and share the knowledge.


Success. Define It, Post It, Live It Are you successful? Will you be successful in the future? Do you have a time line and set goals to that end? Well, let's paint a different picture.

Let's say you were given a few days to live and you were lucky enough to be on your deathbed, surrounded by the people you love. Each of you could say the things you needed to say before you left this world. Would you be able to close your eyes and say, "I was successful in my life"? Well here's a question for you. Why in the world would you want to wait until the last hours of your life to realize you're a success?

I want you tonight when you close your eyes to say, "I'm a success". And tomorrow, live it. To make that a reality certain steps need to be taken.

Step One - Define It 

To be able to live it you've got to define it. How would you define success? That definition will be modified throughout your life but it needs to start somewhere. If you don't take the time to define it for yourself then you'll buy into other people's definitions and they will begin to maneuver and manipulate you to live their definitions.


"You'll never be a success around here unless you put in a 60 hour work week"

"If you're serious about the job then you're expected to entertain clients in places you'd rather not be"

"It's simple. Don't let people around here know you have kids if you want to advance. It's your job or your family. You can't have both"

"You'll have your retirement to take all the vacations you won't be taking here."

These are real statements that have been said to real employees. Without having your own clear definition of success, guilt, "should" language and manipulation become powerful tools in the hands of others. When you KNOW what your definition of success is, it makes it easier for you to make better choices that will help in getting a life...balanced!

Remember I said your definition would be modified in life? If you asked my teenage son to define success he'd tell you "Success in driving a Porsche and living on the beach." A man friend once told me, "No, success is owning the Porsche, the house on the beach and have two years income in the bank so at anytime you can say "take this job and shove it". My Mother defines success as "If your children call you on Mother's day and remember to send you a Birthday card, then you're successful."

My definition is "Loving what you do so much you'd do it for free, ahhh but doing it so well you get paid handsomely for it."

Knowing my definition allows me to decline opportunities I'm offered for other jobs, etc. because I know I wouldn't LOVE it and after all tomorrow I would be trading my life, my time for something I didn't enjoy? Doesn't make sense - no matter what the price tag attached.

What's YOUR definition? Define it.

Now Post it!

Get a piece of paper and create a masterpiece with your definition as its' main theme. Post it up somewhere so that when others (even people who love you) try to define your success for you - you can give them a smile and visually remember how YOU have define your life.

And Live it!

Once you know what your definitions, you will make better choices in your life. You'll hang with the right people who support your dreams, you'll network with others who know where they are going in life, and soon you'll be rubbing shoulders (and minds) with likeminded, empowered people. Remember....

Success. Define it, post it and live it. It's YOUR life!


It is rare to hear someone say they love their job. It seems we live in a culture where you have to wear 'hate my job' on your lapel. I do not understand this mentality.

 Working is a hard gig, takes up so much of your life, pays the bills, enables you to live the lifestyle you want so it seems to me that it is one of the most important things you will ever do. It is not pie in the sky to want or to be in a role that you love and can't wait to get to each day.

 When you have that passion, enthusiasm you are a much more valuable employee and it will impact favorably on your mental and physical health and you will get through the boring bits of any job easier. It is necessary to take time out to identify what it is that you want - where your natural abilities lie. This is the area that many people stay stuck in their whole life because they can't work out what it is they want to do so they do nothing.

 To me, this is a tragic waste of life. You just need to start, doing anything is better than spending your whole life just thinking about it. As you progress you will be open to opportunities, learn about what you like and can then makedecisions based on that information. It is important to think in project terms, to focus, reevaluate and monitor your progress.

 I developed a process that works when those committed to it are willing to put in the hard work. It is an audio book called If it's to be: It's up to me. I would advise anyone to get professional help with this and work with an executive coach because they can help you to develop aplan and then work towards your goal.


Love yourself

As human beings we need to escape and slow down, particularly if we are carrying a lot of responsibility. We need rhythms that allow for days off, for weekends and holidays. How many besides me have Christmas after Christmas, where we are so run down from overload, that we end up ill for the first 4 days.

Whether we have a faith or not, the commandments are a great way to live one says love your neighbour as you love yourself.

Lot's of people remember the bit about loving your neighbour many forget loving yourself. It's a relief to discover what is it that rebuilds my mind, soul and makes me a complete person,' Actually when I do that I am much better for everyone else. Human beings are wonderful things, but incredibly fragile. We're not machines but even machines need servicing once in a while.

For years Gill has supported the family, taught the kids at home and been a fantastic support to me in what is a demanding lifestyle. She has lived a sacrificial lifestyle. And I love Gill for so many reasons, but one of the things she has constantly encouraged - even though she always wants more time together - is that I should go on the water as often as I can. As she puts it it's the only thing that makes me bearable to live with!

What she knows better than anyone else is that I need that to restore my soul, to recharge my emotional spiritual and physical batteries. I haven't always had easy access to the water, so there have been other ways. I have what I call a stones throw - I talk about it in other programs. Essentially it is a physical place in the outdoors, which is close enough not to be lonely, but far enough away to be at least a stones' throw from people and phones and busyness. It becomes a place of familiar comfort. A place where you can see smell and touch created things, natural things, rather than man-made stuff. I still do that and it is very cathartic.

Somebody said to a friend of mine years ago, Rob you live such a busy life style you are running so many agendas, you seemed to have lost the trick in this busy world of even spending time with yourself.

You can't be in a room without the TV on, can't be in a car without the radio on. They suggested he go in a park once a week for ten minutes and just kick the leaves. Don't take a notebook with you, don't think of a new job to do. Just learn again to be with you.

Gill my wife has different ways. For her it's a variety of small things. Hobbies, scrapbooking, doing the family genealogy, breeding birds, jig saws, bits in the garden All those things AND SHOPPING - retail therapy bring her restoration and she loves them.

Have permission and encouragement tonight to discover what it is that restores your soul. Learn to love yourself.

You Are Your Best Asset

Live with integrity. Commit yourself to constant self-improvement.

Choose work that is in harmony with your values.

Give your best to your employer -it is one of the best investments you can make.

A person's greatest emotional need is to be appreciated.

Become a positive and excited person about life.

Live with the mind set of abundance.

Never criticize the company you work for. If you are unhappy, resign.

Be brave. Even if you are not, pretend to be. No one will know the difference.

Stop blaming others. Take responsibility for every area of your life.

Judge your success by the degree that you're enjoying peace, health and love.

Seek opportunity, not security.

Live your life as an exclamation, not an explanation.

Be bold. Be courageous. When you look back on your life, you will regret the things you did not do more than the things you did.

Dream big, worry small.

Take care of your reputation. It is your most valuable asset.


In order to experience love from others we need to experience and express love for ourselves first. Part of how we can express love for ourselves, is to share our love with others so you don't have to wait to love others, you can deepen your self-love through healthy outward expressions of love for others. To get started thinking about how you want love to show up and be expressed in your life, consider the following questions:

1. What are the ways that you express your love for yourself? How do you talk to and about yourself to yourself and others? In what ways do you pamper and honor your physical well-being? In what ways do you express and honor your emotional well-being? What is one thing you could do today that would make you feel deeply loved by yourself?

2. What are the ways that you express your love for others? Who do you love? Who loves you? What words do you use to express your love? What do you need from your loved ones to make you feel truly loved? Do they know this? If not, how can you let them know how to let you know that they love you? What activities do you do with these people that make you feel most loved? When was the last time you engaged in these activities? What can you do today to let your loved ones know you love them? What can you do today that will make you feel loved?

If you find you do not have as much love in your life as you want, don't worry. Spend some time every day thinking about how much love you DO want in your life, what it will feel like to have all of that love, why you want all of that love, who you will be and how you will feel once you have all of that love in your life. Just spend some time contemplating these things. As you ponder what you want and how you want to feel, you will be inspired with the actions to take to make it happen. There is an unlimited supply of love in the world and there is more than enough for each and every one of you.

Life is Like Coffee

What is the meaning of this vignette?

Life is coffee. Jobs, money, and position in society are merely cups. They are tools that shape and contain Life, but the type of cup we have does not define nor change the quality of the life we live. Often, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee provided us.

The happiest people don't have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything they have.

Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.

The richest person is not the one who has the most but the one who needs the least.

Slow down and live the life you love

Do you find yourself wanting more time to slow down and enjoy your life? Are you feeling the need to accomplish more? We all want more time, more money, more love and more satisfaction. It is hard to balance all the things we want when there is so much to juggle. Chances are that your life is packed full with to-do lists, commitments, projects and problems. When you're this busy, you are missing out on living your life. Your life is just happening around you. You can begin to improve your life in the areas of work, home and community when you begin to slow down. The process of slowing down will put you back in touch with yourself and you'll be able to find your values once again. You'll even find you will begin to reclaim your life and your dreams.

Here are three steps to help you slow down and enjoy your life. First, permanently eliminate three tasks, responsibilities, projects, goals, routines or commitments that aren't necessary. If you do volunteer work that you feel obligated to do, give it up. Let it be somebody else's turn. If you make your own home repairs, hire them out. Just because you can do it doesn't mean you have to! If you are involved in social events that you no longer enjoy, get out of them. We change as we grow! If you dream of driving the Lexus or owning an expensive home, let the dream go. Success isn't just about the cost of our home or car!

Now you are ready for step two, which is to delegate, eliminate or organize 10 tasks. If you are spending time doing your own taxes, hire a CPA instead. If you clean your own home, hire a house cleaner so you don't have to do this task. If you prepare the family meals, find a place to pick up healthy meals or find someone to prepare and deliver them, two or three times a week so you aren't in the kitchen every evening. Install Quicken to manage your checkbook with ease. Find a dry cleaner that delivers so you don't have to pick up your clothing. Hire a personal coach instead of pondering, contemplating, considering, but not doing.

Finally, if you are like most people, you have some type of daily to do list. To do lists can be anything from post-it notes to expensive day planning systems. You probably can't imagine not needing such a system. How will you possibly plan your day? Well, if you are really serious about enjoying your life then you must give up that daily list that keeps growing.

Here are some tips for letting go of the to do list ritual. When you think of a to do, ask yourself if it is something that you really have to do or is it something you can hire someone else to do, or delegate or simply eliminate? Set up a simple reminder system to keep track of when to mail out birthday and anniversary cards, note important social events or business meetings. This system can be a calendar, birthday reminder book, or data base contact system. Won't it be better to experience each day in the present rather than reacting to the next item on your to do list? Keep the important information in a system but forget the to do list!

As you simplify your life, you will find you begin to make different choices. Instead of life running you, you are designing your life. You'll notice what you have been missing because you were too busy and out of control to experience your own life. Although you can select the pace at which you want to simplify, those who tend to do it in bits and pieces never make it through the process because they lose momentum. So just go for it! When your life is full, you miss out on life. Start enjoying your life today!

Gửi con trai người tôi yêu

Mẹ con đã bị người ta cưỡng bức và chiếm đoạt để sinh ra con. Ta dành thời gian ngắn ngủi bên tách cà phê sáng để viết lại cho con những điều này.

Con trai! Mặc dù ta không phải là cha của con nhưng ta rất quý trọng và hãnh diện vì sự xuất hiện của con trên cuộc đời này. Con không có một người cha bên cạnh bênh vực khi bị bạn bè ăn hiếp, dạy dỗ những điều cánh phụ nữ như mẹ con không thể hiểu để con trưởng thành và trở thành một người đàn ông tốt. Nhưng ta vẫn tin và hy vọng con sẽ trở thành người đàn ông tốt.

Con ạ, cuộc đời thơ ấu sẽ kéo dài không lâu và mọi thứ phức tạp, chông gai sẽ bắt đầu khi con lớn nên ta mong con hãy sống, chơi, học tập thật tốt, đừng bỏ hoài tuổi thơ của con. Là một người con trai, con phải có đam mê nào đó, nhất định phải theo đuổi đam mê đến cùng con nhé. Hãy dám đối mặt với thất bại và thử thách để theo đuổi đam mê của con. Sống là phải đam mê. Con hãy nhớ, đam mê của con phải trong sáng, lương thiện, đừng theo đuổi những thứ đen tối và phù phiếm, nó sẽ đục khoét tâm hồn con khi con kịp nhận ra.

Sau này khi bước vào đời sẽ có những lúc con cảm thấy đau khổ, tuyệt vọng, con hãy nhớ đó là điều tất nhiên sẽ xảy ra trong cuộc sống và ai cũng có, không riêng gì con. Con chỉ cần thư giãn và xem xét lại xem "Điều gì nên bỏ qua và điều gì nên giữ lại", hãy cho tâm hồn con một chút thảnh thơi, đừng gánh vác, ôm đồm tất cả mọi thứ lên đôi vai con. Hãy chỉ giữ lại nhưng điều con cảm thấy thực sự quan trọng.

Sau này con yêu và theo đuổi một cô gái nào đó, hãy nhớ để cô gái ấy ở trong tim, yêu bằng con tim và dành cho cô gái ấy những suy nghĩ tốt. Khi đó con sẽ cảm thấy tình yêu thực sự tốt đẹp cho con, làm con hạnh phúc và nuôi dưỡng tâm hồn con. Luôn ghi nhớ "Yêu là cho đi, không phải là chiếm đoạt" con nhé.

Con hãy chọn người xứng đáng để nhận những gì sẽ cho, nếu không con sẽ thất vọng đấy. Nếu bị ai đó từ chối tình cảm, đừng vội đau khổ hay tuyệt vọng nhé. Ngoài kia còn rất nhiều người, thế giới này không tạo ra một cô gái tốt duy nhất đâu. Bản thân con chỉ có một nhưng người "con gái tốt" ở ngoài kia rất nhiều. Khi con thật sự yêu ai, hãy theo đuổi họ đến cùng, như thế sau này dù kết quả có thế nào con cũng không nuối tiếc gì.

Ông bà và mẹ là những người yêu con nhất nhưng hãy nhớ họ không mãi bên con được đâu, con phải biết yêu thương, đừng làm họ thất vọng về con. Sau này con phải là người yêu con nhất, tiếp đó con hãy yêu người yêu mình, yêu người thân, yêu đam mê, yêu lẽ phải và yêu lao động, con nhé.

Đừng để mình là con người thụ động, vô cảm, sẽ lãng phí thời gian. Đặc biệt, đừng làm khổ những người yêu thương mình, đừng vì người ta yêu mình mà làm khổ người ta, đó là hành động của kẻ tiểu nhân, nếu con làm như thế về sau con sẽ hối hận đấy.

Hãy luôn dám đứng ra bảo vệ cho lẽ phải, bảo vệ cho người thân của con, đừng nhút nhát, con nhé. Kẻ hèn nhát là kẻ ích kỷ, chiếm đoạt, gây đau khổ cho người khác vì lợi ích của bản thân. Con hãy biết nhận diện người này để đối phó. Con đừng gây thù chuốc oán với ai bên ngoài vì điều đó chỉ làm con thêm mất thời gian và phải suy nghĩ. Hãy phớt lờ đi những người thù ghét con, những thứ làm hại con, đó là cách cư xử của một người đàn ông tốt.

May mắn chắc chắn sẽ đến với con nhưng nó cũng sẽ đến với tất cả mọi người, nên con đừng quá hy vọng và phụ thuộc vào may mắn, con nhé. Để đạt được điều mong muốn, con phải luôn nỗ lực, học tập, cố gắng để cải thiện bản thân, để có đủ khả năng làm những điều mình muốn.

Những điều ta muốn nói với con quá nhiều nhưng thời gian và vốn ngôn ngữ của ta lại quá hạn chế. Ta mong những điều nói với con hôm nay có thể giúp đỡ, chỉ đường cho con sau này. Ta mong con sẽ luôn khỏe mạnh, thành công và hạnh phúc. Con không thiệt thòi đâu, chỉ có người ta nghĩ con thiệt thòi thôi. Chỉ cần con không nghĩ mình thiệt thòi thì con sẽ không bao giờ thiệt thòi cả. Con chỉ thiệt thòi khi không biết phấn đấu để đạt được những điều mong muốn, ta mong điều này sẽ không bao giờ xảy ra. Hãy trở thành một người đàn ông tốt. Chúc con luôn hạnh phúc.

Mong một ngày nào đó con lớn, ai đó sẽ nói lại với con vì có thể lúc đó ta không còn bên cạnh con, không còn là bạn của mẹ con.
DBS M05479
Quang Cao