Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 6, 2013


We all have a dream life we wish to lead, but what’s sad is few of us reach our dreams or even attempt to reach for them. So many people think a dream life is not a possibility because their thoughts can’t take them far from their current reality. So what do you need so that you can reach for the stars and live your dream lifestyle?

Moving out of your current reality, is vitally important to have your dream life!

So how do you live your dream life? Let me explain.

Every Single one of us has huge greatness in us far beyond our own beliefs.

Our mind is not capable of seeing everything that is possible for us in our lives. Our mind can only think of the next ideas, dreams goals or thoughts. Once we take the steps to live your dream life, our belief in what’s possible expands. Each step we take builds upon itself, like a staircase or a ladder.

As you take the steps to live your dream life, your dreams continue to expand and your thoughts about what is possible for you continue to expand. It is reaching past what you are doing now that helps you to discover not only what you can do, but to continue to expand on how to live your dream life.

When we first started as entrepreneurs, we had dreams and ideas of how to live our dream life, but we also had tons of ideas of self-doubt lingering in our mind.

The problem, self-doubt is false and holds us in our current reality.

In thebeginningwe struggled with our own beliefs about our business success. Yet we felt in our hearts that being entrepreneurs gave us the freedom to live the dream life we felt was possible. We were getting “caught up” in details, and blocking ourselves.

What we learned was that, our self-limiting belief of what was possible made the first steps the hardest. Success builds confidence and belief.

We had no idea how to live our dream life. It was like being in the fog we couldn’t see past our immediate concerns to understand what doors would be available and open for us. As we continued to take the steps, one foot in front of the other, to become entrepreneurs and build a dream life, that our belief got stronger and our ideas of a dream life expanded.
It’s really been an awesome adventure! The best part, we continue to grow and expand on how to live our dream life!

What steps have you taken to help you live the life of your dreams? We would love to hear about them. Leave us a comment below and share the knowledge.


Success. Define It, Post It, Live It Are you successful? Will you be successful in the future? Do you have a time line and set goals to that end? Well, let's paint a different picture.

Let's say you were given a few days to live and you were lucky enough to be on your deathbed, surrounded by the people you love. Each of you could say the things you needed to say before you left this world. Would you be able to close your eyes and say, "I was successful in my life"? Well here's a question for you. Why in the world would you want to wait until the last hours of your life to realize you're a success?

I want you tonight when you close your eyes to say, "I'm a success". And tomorrow, live it. To make that a reality certain steps need to be taken.

Step One - Define It 

To be able to live it you've got to define it. How would you define success? That definition will be modified throughout your life but it needs to start somewhere. If you don't take the time to define it for yourself then you'll buy into other people's definitions and they will begin to maneuver and manipulate you to live their definitions.


"You'll never be a success around here unless you put in a 60 hour work week"

"If you're serious about the job then you're expected to entertain clients in places you'd rather not be"

"It's simple. Don't let people around here know you have kids if you want to advance. It's your job or your family. You can't have both"

"You'll have your retirement to take all the vacations you won't be taking here."

These are real statements that have been said to real employees. Without having your own clear definition of success, guilt, "should" language and manipulation become powerful tools in the hands of others. When you KNOW what your definition of success is, it makes it easier for you to make better choices that will help in getting a life...balanced!

Remember I said your definition would be modified in life? If you asked my teenage son to define success he'd tell you "Success in driving a Porsche and living on the beach." A man friend once told me, "No, success is owning the Porsche, the house on the beach and have two years income in the bank so at anytime you can say "take this job and shove it". My Mother defines success as "If your children call you on Mother's day and remember to send you a Birthday card, then you're successful."

My definition is "Loving what you do so much you'd do it for free, ahhh but doing it so well you get paid handsomely for it."

Knowing my definition allows me to decline opportunities I'm offered for other jobs, etc. because I know I wouldn't LOVE it and after all tomorrow I would be trading my life, my time for something I didn't enjoy? Doesn't make sense - no matter what the price tag attached.

What's YOUR definition? Define it.

Now Post it!

Get a piece of paper and create a masterpiece with your definition as its' main theme. Post it up somewhere so that when others (even people who love you) try to define your success for you - you can give them a smile and visually remember how YOU have define your life.

And Live it!

Once you know what your definitions, you will make better choices in your life. You'll hang with the right people who support your dreams, you'll network with others who know where they are going in life, and soon you'll be rubbing shoulders (and minds) with likeminded, empowered people. Remember....

Success. Define it, post it and live it. It's YOUR life!


It is rare to hear someone say they love their job. It seems we live in a culture where you have to wear 'hate my job' on your lapel. I do not understand this mentality.

 Working is a hard gig, takes up so much of your life, pays the bills, enables you to live the lifestyle you want so it seems to me that it is one of the most important things you will ever do. It is not pie in the sky to want or to be in a role that you love and can't wait to get to each day.

 When you have that passion, enthusiasm you are a much more valuable employee and it will impact favorably on your mental and physical health and you will get through the boring bits of any job easier. It is necessary to take time out to identify what it is that you want - where your natural abilities lie. This is the area that many people stay stuck in their whole life because they can't work out what it is they want to do so they do nothing.

 To me, this is a tragic waste of life. You just need to start, doing anything is better than spending your whole life just thinking about it. As you progress you will be open to opportunities, learn about what you like and can then makedecisions based on that information. It is important to think in project terms, to focus, reevaluate and monitor your progress.

 I developed a process that works when those committed to it are willing to put in the hard work. It is an audio book called If it's to be: It's up to me. I would advise anyone to get professional help with this and work with an executive coach because they can help you to develop aplan and then work towards your goal.


Love yourself

As human beings we need to escape and slow down, particularly if we are carrying a lot of responsibility. We need rhythms that allow for days off, for weekends and holidays. How many besides me have Christmas after Christmas, where we are so run down from overload, that we end up ill for the first 4 days.

Whether we have a faith or not, the commandments are a great way to live one says love your neighbour as you love yourself.

Lot's of people remember the bit about loving your neighbour many forget loving yourself. It's a relief to discover what is it that rebuilds my mind, soul and makes me a complete person,' Actually when I do that I am much better for everyone else. Human beings are wonderful things, but incredibly fragile. We're not machines but even machines need servicing once in a while.

For years Gill has supported the family, taught the kids at home and been a fantastic support to me in what is a demanding lifestyle. She has lived a sacrificial lifestyle. And I love Gill for so many reasons, but one of the things she has constantly encouraged - even though she always wants more time together - is that I should go on the water as often as I can. As she puts it it's the only thing that makes me bearable to live with!

What she knows better than anyone else is that I need that to restore my soul, to recharge my emotional spiritual and physical batteries. I haven't always had easy access to the water, so there have been other ways. I have what I call a stones throw - I talk about it in other programs. Essentially it is a physical place in the outdoors, which is close enough not to be lonely, but far enough away to be at least a stones' throw from people and phones and busyness. It becomes a place of familiar comfort. A place where you can see smell and touch created things, natural things, rather than man-made stuff. I still do that and it is very cathartic.

Somebody said to a friend of mine years ago, Rob you live such a busy life style you are running so many agendas, you seemed to have lost the trick in this busy world of even spending time with yourself.

You can't be in a room without the TV on, can't be in a car without the radio on. They suggested he go in a park once a week for ten minutes and just kick the leaves. Don't take a notebook with you, don't think of a new job to do. Just learn again to be with you.

Gill my wife has different ways. For her it's a variety of small things. Hobbies, scrapbooking, doing the family genealogy, breeding birds, jig saws, bits in the garden All those things AND SHOPPING - retail therapy bring her restoration and she loves them.

Have permission and encouragement tonight to discover what it is that restores your soul. Learn to love yourself.

You Are Your Best Asset

Live with integrity. Commit yourself to constant self-improvement.

Choose work that is in harmony with your values.

Give your best to your employer -it is one of the best investments you can make.

A person's greatest emotional need is to be appreciated.

Become a positive and excited person about life.

Live with the mind set of abundance.

Never criticize the company you work for. If you are unhappy, resign.

Be brave. Even if you are not, pretend to be. No one will know the difference.

Stop blaming others. Take responsibility for every area of your life.

Judge your success by the degree that you're enjoying peace, health and love.

Seek opportunity, not security.

Live your life as an exclamation, not an explanation.

Be bold. Be courageous. When you look back on your life, you will regret the things you did not do more than the things you did.

Dream big, worry small.

Take care of your reputation. It is your most valuable asset.
DBS M05479
Quang Cao