Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 6, 2013

Những bí ẩn dưới biển sâu...

Đảm bảo bạn sẽ rùng mình khi đọc xong những bí mật đáng sợ dưới biển này...
Đầu tiên, bạn có biết đại dương sâu thế nào?
Do áp suất của nước biển, cơ thể bạn sẽ bị "bóp nát" thế này khi xuống được 1/4 chặng đường Ánh sáng dưới đáy biển ư? Chỉ có tối tăm thế này thôi! Chưa kể đến các loài sinh vật "đặc biệt" khiến bạn khiếp hãi dưới biển...
... ví dụ như loài giáp xác có họ hàng với gián và có kích thước to bằng đầu của bạn... ... hay loài giun to bằng sợi dây thừng kéo co... 
... hoặc frilled shark mà người ta hay gọi là Quỷ Satan dưới biển 
File:Chlamydoselachus anguineus head.jpg

 Và bạn biết không, 80% sinh vật trên Trái đất này sống dưới đáy biển  
Điều này có nghĩa là, hãy thử cộng tất cả sinh vật bạn nhìn thấy trên mặt đất, rồi nhân số lượng ấy với 1 tỷ lần. Dưới đáy biển không có ánh sáng, tức là không có thực vật  
Tức là xung quanh bạn sẽ "nhung nhúc" toàn sinh vật sống. Cách săn mồi của các loài cá dưới đáy biển: Ngoạm và nhai ngấu nghiến bất cứ thứ gì trên đường đi
Thêm một điều nữa, là hầu hết các loài sinh vật dưới lòng biển đều có răng

Đáy biển có các mạch ngầm đặc biệt, phun lên toàn axit sunfuric đậm đặc  
Có nghĩa là, khi đi qua đúng lúc mạch axit đậm đặc này phun lên, cả khuôn mặt và cơ thể bạn đều bị biến dạng, thịt bay ra khỏi xương gần như ngay lập tức. Nhưng điều khủng khiếp hơn là trong nước có hàng tỷ tỷ những loại vi khuẩn bạn không hề biết 

Bạn nghĩ sao nếu những vi khuẩn này chui vào và phá hoại cơ thể bạn?Dưới biển có những quy luật "đảo lộn" thực tại mà bạn từng biết về thế giới sinh vật
Ví dụ như loài cá này, đôi mắt nằm ở trong đầu với lớp "xương sọ" trong suốt nhìn xuyên thấu ra ngoài, chứ mắt không phải nằm ở ngoài.Trên thực tế, con người mới chỉ khám phá được gần 5% thế giới dưới đại dương


Và như vậy thì, chẳng ai thực sự dám chắc điều gì tồn tại dưới đáy biển sâu...

Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 6, 2013

Cách tăng like nhanh nhất

Cũng đơn giản thôi...đầu tiên post stt cần câu like

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Giờ thì tăng like nào :D

Chúc thành công!

Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 6, 2013


Are you living your life appreciating what you DO have, or are you lamenting what still seems to be missing?
Three years ago the eight year old daughter of a friend died in a freak accident at school. My friend was devastated and I could not think of any wise words that might console him.
As the weeks rolled by my friend slipped into an ever deeper sense of despair, and nothing anyone said seemed to lift his spirit.

After a few months time he went out of town on a business trip, and on the train ride back he engaged in conversation with the woman sitting next to him. The woman sat there and nodded her head often as my friend talked about the death of his daughter. He reported to me that he had the sense of talking and talking and talking, until he finally felt like he had nothing more to say.
As my friend came to a natural state of rest, the woman nodded her head one more time as she took a deep breath, and then said the following,
"I can very much feel your pain, and I understand the loss of your child must be devastating."
"At the same time," she said, "I wonder if your pain would not be lessened if you celebrated the life your daughter did have."

"You told me about your daughter's sense of awe the first time you took her to the ocean, and how you carried her in your arms as you waded out into the water."
"You also spoke about the many times she sat on your lap and told you about the magical adventures she had during the course of her day."
"Perhaps the sweetest story you shared was how you told your daughter every night how much you loved her as you tucked her into bed."

"I’m wondering," the woman said, "What is it that leads you to believe you and your daughter did not live a full and glorious life together?"
"Is it because she died at eight years old and not at eighty? Certainly it would seem that the quality of one's life is not tied to the length of one's life."

"I would like to gently suggest that you and your daughter did live a full and complete life together. She just didn't live as long as you had hoped for and expected."

As the train neared the station the woman continued speaking.
"I am seventy two years old, and in looking back on my life I don't feel I have shared with anyone, the depth of experience and love you and your daughter had together."
"On one hand this makes me deeply sad. On the other hand, it wakes me up to the fact that my life is not yet finished. I can begin today to live the life I truly desire."
"This is the realization that your experience has helped me to understand, and for this wonderful gift I thank you deeply."

The woman smiled as she stood up, preparing to exit the train.
"None of us know how long we have to live. No one has control over the length of their life."
"The quality of our life on the other hand, is something you can ensure on a daily basis. An emotionally fulfilling life is a complete life, regardless of how many years you live. A life without love seems to take forever to end."
“We’ll do well to appreciate what we do have, rather than lamenting about what we don’t.”

To the readers of this article, I gently suggest you consider how you want to live your life, in order to ensure that your time on earth is fulfilling and complete.


People will think that being able to live an abundant life is something that only the "special" people can have.

However, anyone can live abundantly, just as long as you know what you are doing in life. Though life may not be at an ultimate high, this does not mean that you cannot be happy.

In order to live abundantly, you will need to start focusing more on yourself and enjoying your happiness.

Create small goals

When you make small goals in life, you will realize that they will work together to still achieve one big goal. This makes life seem easier and you are able to enjoy each day more.

Sometimes a really big goal can seem too overwhelming and so it is a better idea to simply just focus on making small goals on a daily basis.

Have Time For Friends

Sometimes working too hard may not be the answer to living abundantly. You will need to take a break and realize that there are other things in important in life besides work and money.

When you ensure that your relationships with the people you love are perfect, you will be able to focus more on your work.

This is something that a lot of workaholics forget and it leads to more problems in other areas of life.

Relax and Exercise

When you are feeling too stressed, sometimes all you need to do is let it out with some sort of activity.

Whether it is exercise or simply just going to sleep, doing things to help relax yourself will allow you to get back to work.

Living abundantly certainly does not mean that you will need to have all the money in the world but to simply make sure that you are happy, no matter what is going on in your life.

What will they think? - love and approval addiction?

When you were growing up, how often did you hear, "What will they think?"

Who are "they?" Unfortunately, "they" are everyone. Many of our parents and caregivers were love and approval addicted and geared their behavior to try to have control over getting love and approval and avoiding disapproval.

This was the role modeling for many of us. Our worth was determined by what "they" would think. Most of us did not see our parents or other role models defining their own worth and validating themselves.

What about now? Is you sense of worth determined by what others think of you, or have you learned how to define your own worth? Do you get your sense of inner fullness from others' love or do you know how to fill yourself with love?

Being love and approval addicted is a hard and tiring way to live. Being dependent upon others love, attention, and approval for your sense of safety, security, worth and lovability means that you have to constantly work to look right and perform right. You can never let up, because even if you get the love or approval that you are seeking from a person, he or she can always take it away. Or maybe they are not available and then you have to try to get it from someone else, anyone else - "they."

We all need love. We do not thrive without it, and many do not survive without it. However, problems occur when we are dependent on others as our primary source of love and attention.

As long as you are making others responsible for defining your worth and making you feel safe and loved, you will likely continue to feel alone and empty inside. There really is another way to live!

What if you were to decide to give yourself the love and approval that you keep seeking from others? What if you were to decide to stop focusing externally and instead start to focus internally?

We all have the power to define our own worth and bring love into ourselves. While you might think that the only love that feels really great is love from another person, this is a huge false belief. If you have ever experienced a moment of Grace, where you feel full and joyous for no external reason, you know that it is possible to feel incredibly wonderful without another's love and approval.

The only way this happens is when your heart is open to the Love that is Spirit.

We live in a sea of Love and wisdom. It is everywhere - within us and all around us. It is who we are - created in the image of God-that-is-love. When you shift your intention from trying to have control over getting love and approval, and instead move into an intent to learn about loving yourself, your heart opens to the incredible love and wisdom of your spiritual Guidance.

Try it right now. Move your focus out of your head and into your heart. Breathe into your heart. Make a decision that, for right now, you want responsibility for your own feelings of fullness and worth. Now ask one of these questions: "What is loving to me right now?" or "What is in my highest good right now?" Relax, let go, and listen for the answer. It might come in words, or images, or feelings. When you get a sense of what is loving to you right now, then do it. Take the loving action.

Now notice how you feel.

If you practice this all day, you will stop worrying about "What will they think?"
DBS M05479
Quang Cao